Groups and Uniformed Organisations

Little Frogs: Pre-school gathering for activities and worship, held weekly in term-time. Thursdays 10.00-11.00am with singing, stories, craft activities, and thank-you prayers.  (During the winter months - this is loctated in the Church Hall).


St Barnabas Ladies Club: A monthly club for ladies, from both within and outside the church who meet to promote Christian fellowship within the parish. Meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 2.00pm, in the Church Hall, featuring speakers, activities, quizzes and games. 



Beavers   -  Tuesdays 5.30pm

Cubs        -  Tuesdays 6.30pm

Scouts    -   Tuesdays 7.30pm

Brownies -  Wednesdays 6.15pm

Rainbows -  Thursdays 6.15pm


Mens Ministry


Saturday 17th February - 7pm

Saturday 23rd March - 7pm

Saturday 18th May - 7pm


Meal and speaker / Quiz


St Barnabas Church Hall - If interested please contact: Revd Andrew: 07871 356041





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